How to use Schema.Org Markup on BlogSpot blog?

  Currently, Schema Markup is used in all types of blogs / websites. However, very few people have a clear idea of what Schema Markup is. Th...


Currently, Schema Markup is used in all types of blogs / websites. However, very few people have a clear idea of what Schema Markup is. This Schema Markup gives a good understanding of all types of content on the blogs of any search engine robots. Today I will give you a simple idea about Schema Markup, so that you can understand it better and use the Schema Markup tags where necessary in the blog.

Every search engine has a type of programming robot. They can better understand where any blog is. However, there is a difference between understanding programming robots and understanding humans. People can understand anything by feeling, on the other hand, programming robots do not have the ability to feel this. Somewhere can be understood when the details about a subject are given correctly. In this case, they do not make the slightest mistake, on the other hand, people may not be 100% correct in any work. So you can understand that search engine robots will not be able to understand the content of your blog, that is, where it is and how you have created the structure of the blog template without writing it well. And Schema.Org Markup will make it easier for search engine robots to understand better. Below we will discuss its important points.

What is Schema Markup?

This is a type of (Semantic Vocabulary) code, which is used to increase the attractiveness of search engines in different types of blogs / websites. These are usually in the form of Html and Scripts. Using these Schema Markup tags you can easily give search engines a clear idea about the different topics of your blog. This will increase the chances of your blog coming to the first page of search engines. I am making the matter easier for you through an example below.

Example: A blog template has many parts. For example- Header, Footer, Content Area, Sidebar and many more parts and many types of content are shared in each blog. In this case, the search engine can not understand which part of your blog template is Header and which part is Footer. The Schema Markup tag is needed to make it easier for search engines to understand which part of your blog template is working. These Html tags will give search engines a clear idea of ​​all the parts and content of your blog. Also, it will tell the search engine which part of the blog has the title, which part has the article and which part has other things including video.

Need to use a blog?

The answer is yes. Blogs must use Schema.Org Markup to take advantage of some of the added benefits of search engine optimization. The author of the blog, the right time to publish the content, Blogger template is 100% SEO friendly, you must use Schema.Org Markup to get many more benefits. Moreover Blogger blogs are already using Schema Markup in many places of their default templates. Google Webmaster Tools is also urging you to structure the blog structure properly using Schema.Org Markup. So you have to use Schema Markup to enjoy all kinds of SEO benefits.

How to use the blog?

These are usually in the form of Html and Scripts, so you don't have to worry about using them on a blog. All you have to do is add Html tags to the required areas of the blog.

Using Schema Markup on a blog gives the search engine a clear idea about the structure of the blog and every part of the blog can be easily marked by the search engine. See in the image above how the search engine is displaying a website using Schema.Org Markup. The image clearly shows that the website is showing many more information including Star Rating, date of publication, category. These topics will attract search engines as well as any visitor.

However, if you can't take all the benefits from the blogger blog, you can get some benefits by using Schema.Org Markup. Basically those who are using HTML5 in the blog can take all the benefits by using Schema Markup. Since HTML4 is now being used in Blogger blogs, not all of its benefits can be taken. However, even if not all, most of the benefits will be available.

How to add to the blog?

  • Login to the blog first.
  • Then click on Template> Edit Html and you will see a section like the following codes at the top of the Blogger template. Add the optimized codes below in place of those..
<html expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' itemscope='' itemtype='' xmlns='' xmlns:b='' xmlns:data='' xmlns:expr='' xmlns:fb=''>

  •  Now search the <header> or <header-wrapper> part by pressing Ctrl + F from the keyboard and replace the line below.
<div id='header-wrapper' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='' role='banner'>

  • Then search the <div class = 'post hentry uncustomized-post-template'> section from the keyboard by pressing Ctrl + F and Replace the following line. 
<div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''>

  • Search the <div class = 'post hentry'> section by pressing Ctrl + F from the keyboard and Replace the following line. 
<div class='post hentry' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''>

  • Search the <div id = 'sidebar-wrapper'> section by pressing Ctrl + F from the keyboard and Replace the following line. 
<div id='sidebar-wrapper' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''>

  •  Search the <div id = 'footer-wrapper'> section from the keyboard by pressing Ctrl + F and Replace the following line.
<div id='footer-wrapper' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='' role='contentinfo'>

  •  Finally, click Save Template to save.

Note : Each of the above Markup will clearly inform the search engines about every part of the blog. Now these marks will also show if there is any mistake in the structure of your blog. Click on this link to find out from Google Structured Data Testing Tool which part of your blog is wrong. Adding the above marks will find errors in your blog that you need to correct. We will discuss in our next post how to fix these errors.



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Bangla Tech Jagat: How to use Schema.Org Markup on BlogSpot blog?
How to use Schema.Org Markup on BlogSpot blog?
Bangla Tech Jagat
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